*) Truth cannot be concealed, no matter how, by anyone of us. Truth will, sooner or later, will reveal itself. Truth will set us free..
*) Our health, be it physical and mental is a precious thing in our life. If we do not take care of our body, soul and mind properly, we are the ones who will lose everything.
[August is gone. I have to admit that during that month I was really in a gloomy mood. I got no desire to do creative things, etc. I was always haunted by the feelings of restlessness. ......Because of this, this "note of a musafir" was also neglected for quite a while. And I am still in the gloomy mood now. Hopefully, soon I will be free from this kind of condition of emotions..]
*) I can lie to everyone, but I cannot lie to myself and God.
*) Patience is very much needed if we want to be successful in life.
[Somewhere in the land of former Javanese kingdom, Singosari..
Gee, time flies. Now it is already mid July. Soon the year 2008 will come to an end. What have I done?
Dad’s funeral day which I usually celebrate has gone out of my memory. I completely forgot it for this month. Dad, how can I so forgetful? Do forgive me, Dad. ]
*) Our history was full of violence and bloodshed. Have we ever drawn any lesson from it?
*) When I am wrong, is there any space for forgiveness coming from your side?
*) Don’t ever fight back violence with violence if it is not necessary. Once you do so, you automatically enter into the hole of losers.
[ Ita has been a month and a half I was out of the blog scene. Too busy with work, and family life,etc...]
*) Peace and harmony will be hard to achieved if the two individuals who are involved in any conflict continue to be stubburn, and not wanting to, what I say in Indonesian, "merendah".
*) History keeps repeating itself. Unfortunately, we never learn from the past. When and how can we free ourselves from this vicious circle?
*) Truth will set us free. It cannot be concealed no matter how. As a volcano, it will erupt someday. [pondering upon the puzzle of the nation related to the current situation..]
*) Greal souls (scholars, artists, poets, etc) illuminate our pathways. They help us see things in a clear manner in our life considered as a journey. It is interesting to reflect again on what T.S. Eliot said in the lines of one of his poems that, "We shall not cease from exploration/And the end of all our exploring/will be to arrive where we started/And know the place for the first time//"
*) [ What have I done during the year 2007? As usual I find that the more I do, the more I feel how little I have done. And for sure, there are a lot of things need to be done. ]
*) Reflection is a must for anyone who really wants to get involved in the field of life which is full of challenges. In connection with this, once a friend of mine said in Indonesian, "pengalaman tanpa permenungan terasa tak ada makna".
*) The recycling process in all aspects of life is an interesting phenomen to reflect upon. Please remember that there is nothing new under the sun!
*) Acknowledging that "one knows that he or she does not know" is a wise act.